Scrivito JS 1.9.0 Released – Featuring Refined Content Validation


Finer grained content control through validation levels

In version 1.7 of the Scrivito SDK, we introduced validations, a means for programmatically checking whether content meets specific requirements. The consequence of a single failing validation was that the working copy could not be published until the error was fixed. However, we and some of our customers noticed that some content-related peculiarities are just that, far from critical, so we complemented validation errors with two more severity levels, warnings and informational messages.

When defining a validation, a failing check can now be categorized as error, warning or info, with error being the default (the latter means that existing validations still work). To editors, severity levels are indicated by colors and labelled sections on the notifications sidebar. For further details, take a look at our Overview of Scrivito’s Content Validation.

We hope, you find this extension as useful as we do.

Validation messages for custom components

When providing editors with custom editing tools, for example in properties dialogs, Scrivito can still validate the respective content but cannot display the validation results because such components aren't under its control. This is where the new validationResultsFor function comes into play. It allows developers to render the messages returned by the validation function.

Improved up-to-dateness of prerendered content

Scrivito’s prerendering improves the loading speed of your web application – for a better visitor experience. For covering rapid changes to the published content, Scrivito.updateContent is now available. If called in the app’s startup phase, this function updates the content to prerender causing the first meaningful paint to be in sync with the published content again.

Determining the creation date of a CMS object

CMS objects now expose their creation date. To retrieve this date, the createdAt instance method is available, allowing you, for example, to output Dublin Core metadata for “Date Created”.


  • In HTML markup, links pointing to PDF files are no longer replaced with garbage when editing the text again.

  • The edit mode switch is displayed correctly in all browsers

    With Chrome 76, the editing mode buttons at the center of the top bar are now properly aligned again.

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