Managing Users, Teams, and Working Copy Collaborators

Managing Users, Teams, and Working Copy Collaborators

Scrivito Web Interface Builder is connected to a sophisticated yet easy to understand account and user management system, the JustRelate Console. The Console lets you add Interface Builder users to your account and assign them to teams. You can grant these teams and thus their members privileges, such as managing or publishing working copies, managing users or workflows, and much more. Further information can be found in the Console documentation.

Additionally, several users can work collaboratively in the same working copy. Again by means of permissions, collaborators can be given different kinds of access to the content of the working copy.

Managing users and teams

User and team management are available to you if you have the account-wide “Manage users” permission.

Users with this permission will find a “Manage users” item in the main menu. After selecting this item, you are taken to the JustRelate Console, where you will find the user and team management functionality needed, among other things.

Managing working copy collaborators

Working copies are a place where users can collaboratively work on content. The Interface Builder lets their respective owners invite users and assign them a role that specifies their individual access to the working copy. To do this, click the “Collaborators” button on the “Working copies” sidebar panel.

The dialog that is then displayed allows you to add users to the working copy, or change any user’s access to it, provided that you are an owner of the working copy. Users can be given one of the following three roles:

Is owner: An owner can view and edit content, publish the working copy unless the workflow prevents this, delete it, add users to it, and change any user’s role.

Can edit: The user can view and edit content.

Can view: The user can only view content.

As a default, new users are made co-owners of the working copy, meaning that they have full control over it. If this is not what you want, change their role to “Can edit” or “Can view”, depending on whether they should be able to change content or not.

After publishing, the users who last collaborated on the working copy (except the user who published it) are notified via email.