Creating, Copying and Moving Pages

Creating, Copying and Moving Pages

For website editors, creating pages is part of their daily business. To add a page, first create or select a working copy, then activate the Edit mode via the Interface Builder panel. Next, if you wish to extend a navigation, locate it, click its blue handle, and select “Add page” from the menu.

To create a stand-alone page, i.e. one not part of a navigation (e.g. a landing page or a blog post), select “Create page” from the top menu as shown below.

When creating a page, you are first asked to select its type from the list of available page types, independently of where the new page will show up.

The top menu

The menu at the top right corner includes the following items, most of them for working with the current page:

Create Page

This first opens the page type browser for choosing the type of the page you would like to create. Then the page is created and displayed and is ready for being edited. Note that the new page is not hierarchically connected to other pages since pages created this way don’t have a path. Thus, the page won’t show up in navigations based on the page hierarchy.

Add subpage

Like with “Create page”, this first lets you choose the type of the page to add. The new page is then inserted as a child page underneath the current page. This menu command is only available if the current page is part of the page hierarchy, meaning that it needs to have a path.

Duplicate page

When duplicating a page, a copy of it, including all its content, is created. Embedded objects, however, e.g. images, are not duplicated but remain embedded on the new page. If the source page has a path, the duplicated page is inserted on the same hierarchy level. If the page has subpages, the latter are duplicated as well. A duplicated page initially never has a permalink.
After a page has been duplicated, the Interface Builder displays the duplicate, so you can start editing it right away.

Open page properties

Opens the properties dialog for viewing or editing (depending on the selected mode) those properties of the current page that aren’t changeable on the page itself. The properties a page has were given to it by a website developer, depending on its purpose. For example, a blogpost commonly has an “author” property which usually isn’t required for standard pages.

Share page

This displays the full URL of the page you are currently viewing for copying it to the clipboard and sharing it with someone. Next to the page ID, the URL includes the ID of the current working copy as well as the viewing mode, either “preview” or “changes”. The recipient needs to have access to the website and must have been made a collaborator of the working copy.

Copy or move page

After selecting this item from the menu of a page, you can paste a copy of this page or move it to any location in the page hierarchy, using the menu of the destination page.
The page to copy or move can also be inserted into an automatically generated navigation.

Paste as subpage

A page for which the “Copy or move page” command has been issued can be pasted as a subpage of the current page. This places a duplicate of the copied page as a child page underneath the current page.
This menu command is only available if the current page is part of the page hierarchy, meaning that it needs to have a path. Also, no restrictions for inserting the page (based on its type) must apply.

Paste page and its subpages

[New in 1.25.0]Like “Paste as subpage”, this menu command places a copy of the page on the clipboard underneath the current page. However, subpages are included, meaning that any partial page hierarchy can be duplicated.

Move page(s) here

After issuing the “Copy or move page” command, the page can be moved underneath the current page, meaning that the page becomes a child page of the current page.
This menu command is only available if the current page is part of the page hierarchy, meaning that it needs to have a path. Also, no restrictions for inserting the page (based on its type) must apply.

Override concurrent changes to page

A page that has been edited in a working copy might have been edited in a different working copy as well. After publishing one of these working copies, overlapping edits in the other working copy may prevent it from being published in order to preserve the changes that were published first. After making sure that no relevant content will be lost, use this menu item to specify that the page in the affected working copy is to be the final version after publishing.

Discard changes to page

This puts the page back into the state it had when the current working copy was created. Please be cautious with this function because everything you altered on the page will be lost. However, this sometimes is an appropriate way to deal with changes that were made in a different working copy that has been published in the meantime. If such a conflict occurs, discard the changes to the page, then reapply the changes.

Delete page (and its subpages)

When a page is deleted, all the content it contains is deleted as well, except for the binary resources such as images or other files. Such resources are not part of the object that represents the page, and will thus not be deleted. A deleted page can be restored unless it was created in the currently selected working copy.

Open help

Opens the Editor’s Guide this page is a part of.

Open dashboard

This opens your Dashboard.

Next to the above menu items, others may be present in the main menu at the top right, e.g. items for administrators that let them manage users, workflows or visibility categories. Since items can be removed from or added to the menu by a developer, some items may be missing, or custom items may show up.