Scrivito JS 1.18.0 Released – Featuring the Widget Sidebar

Introducing the widget sidebar

Widgets are the key to editing website content efficiently and with pleasure. Everyone working with them on a daily basis can confirm that widgets are extremely intuitive to use as they can be copy/pasted, rearranged using drag and drop, and more. And now, as an alternative to using the selection dialog for adding a widget to the page, you can also drag it from the new widget sidebar and drop it where you want it to be inserted!

The widget panel offers all the widgets for selection that can be dropped somewhere on the page. The widgets are presented in two columns, up to six of the last used ones show up at the top, and for better control, the panel remembers its scroll-position and closes after grabbing a widget.

We hope you find the new widget sidebar panel as convenient as we do!

Introducing Scrivito’s new multi-site capabilities (beta)

Handling several websites with a single Scrivito CMS almost always required greater efforts on the development side. No longer, as Scrivito now natively supports the delivery of multiple websites, enabling you to manage the content for your various web outlets in a much smarter way. Whether you are running country sites, a customer portal, or websites dedicated to knowledge transfer or marketing purposes, etc. – not only can all of them be fed from the same CMS, but they are also clearly distinguishable now in Scrivito’s editing interface.

Technically, Scrivito’s multi-site approach is straightforward as well as flexible in the sense that websites can be added in just a few steps (optionally even by editors), and for working on their individual content, switching between sites is a matter of a single click.

The multi-site functionality is in beta, and we would highly appreciate your feedback!

After migrating to a multi-site setup, you may occasionally see blank pages in the period between the publication of the migrated content and the completion of prerendering. This issue will be fixed soon.

Further improvements

Copying, pasting, and adding pages from within the search and hierarchy sidebars

For further increased convenience in everyday work, we have added new menu actions to the search and hierarchy sidebar panels. Individual search results can now be marked for copying or moving, and items in the hierarchy now additionally let you paste or move pages from the built-in clipboard to them.

Editing interface indicates the logged-in user

The Scrivito UI now displays information about the logged-in user on the sidebar. In particular, users with multiple Scrivito logins as well as those working in a shared environment will find this helpful.

Setting date and time in place

Scrivito now lets editors set date/time values in place instead of only via the properties of a page or widget. The new date/time picker works just like the included date picker does, but an editor can additionally select the time in 15-minute increments.

New APIs

Determining the current editor

The new public API method Scrivito.currentEditor lets you determine the current user of the editing interface. Next to the user’s ID and name, the teams the user belongs to are provided. Based on this data, developers can build components (e.g. for performing admin tasks) that are made available only to specific users, for example.

Determining the kind of change made to content

Scrivito now provides a method, modification, that lets you determine the kind of change that has been applied to a CMS object in a working copy, i.e. whether it is new, has been edited, or deleted.


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