After executing the above line of code in the console, the homepage should be displayed; however, it may take a couple of seconds until its initial content, a section widget containing a headline widget with its preset text, becomes visible. Try adding widgets, rearranging them, etc., like you probably already did prior to erasing the default content.
Did you notice the grey box at the bottom of the page? This is the footer. It is represented by a widgetlist so that it’s editable just like regular page content. Only the homepage has a footer widgetlist, however, this widgetlist will be rendered for all pages in the CMS. This is why the footer content can be edited on every page.
To see all the other options the homepage has in store for you, open its page settings via the menu at the top right and, for example, change the logo or the header image (or upload a new one) using the Content Browser. The various tabs of the properties dialog let you access the site settings, the social cards, etc.