Scrivito JS SDK 1.29.0 Released

Reducing the payload for your website visitors

You’ve probably already noticed that Scrivito’s editing interface is highly configurable through editing configurations that allow the developer to specify, for example, which page properties the editors should be able to adjust. Since website visitors don’t require these configurations, we made it possible to skip them while the website is initializing, depending on whether an editor is logged into the editing interface or not.

Using this option can slightly increase the page loading speed for visitors. See Scrivito.provideEditingConfig for details.

Keeping copied pages and widgets consistent

The Scrivito JS SDK lets you define callbacks by means of which new content created by an editor can be complemented or adjusted in the background to align it with your website’s functioning or appearance.

Version 1.14.0 of the Scrivito SDK had introduced the possibility to provide an object-class-specific callback function, initializeCopy, for initializing pages that are created by copying using the editing interface. This option has been enhanced in two ways:

First, if an editor duplicates or copies and pastes a page that has subpages, initializeCopy is now also called for all the individual pages that are created in this process.

Second, the initializeCopy callback can now also be defined for widget classes, meaning that duplicated or pasted widgets, including those nested within them, can be checked or altered as needed. As a consequence, if an editor copies a page or a hierarchy of pages, the initializeCopy callbacks of all the pieces of content involved are triggered, all the way down to the deepest widget layers. See the documentation on Scrivito.provideEditingConfig for further details.

Further improvements

  • Instant widget creation

    If an empty widget list is restricted to widgets of a single type, clicking its plus button now immediately adds a widget of this type to the list unless the clipboard contains such a widget. In the latter case, the well-known menu (“Add widget”, “Paste widget”) is opened like before so the editor can insert either a new widget or the one on the clipboard.

  • Fixed bugs

    • Assigning a very long name to a binary CMS object like an image no longer causes the editing interface to become unresponsive. Instead, the user is now presented with a message stating that the length of file names must not exceed 200 characters.
    • It is now no longer possible to publish a working copy in which the same permalink has been assigned to a different page than in the published content. In such cases, a corresponding error message is displayed.
    • A user interface bug related to global state changes was fixed.

Thanks again for using Scrivito!

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