Scrivito JS SDK 1.27.0 Released

More versatile “Changes” sidebar

Like on the “Hierarchy” sidebar, the pages listed on the “Changes” panel now also feature a menu command for opening their respective properties, meaning that you no longer need to navigate to a page just to open its properties.

Furthermore, the items on the “Changes” sidebar now also include a lock icon if their visibility is restricted.

Discarding changes to individual properties

Especially editors who frequently review content that has been extensively changed will benefit from the new possibility to discard changes to page and widget properties individually. Now you no longer need to restore a page or widget as a whole and then reapply the improvements.

Those little “Discard” buttons show up where content was altered in properties views, and are available in all three view modes.

Duplicating pages via the page hierarchy

For more convenience, pages can now also be duplicated from within the hierarchy sidebar. This eliminates the need to open the page before it can be duplicated in a second step using the corresponding item from the main menu.

Disabling page and widget properties or groups

In addition to making properties or their groups available dynamically, they can now be made conditionally read-only. This way, as an example, currently irrelevant attribute values remain visible for editors, but are at the same time protected from being changed. See the documentation for details.

Further improvements

  • Improved meta data display

    In the editing interface, the file sizes of binaries such as images are now consistently displayed in accordance with the corresponding SI standard (1 kB equals 1,000 bytes, etc.). Also, the aspect ratio of images is now displayed in a more common format, e.g. 3:2 (1.5).

  • API for easier migrations

    For migrating content, generating sitemaps, and similar use cases, the attribute definitions of CMS object or widget classes can now be retrieved using the Obj#attributeDefinitions and Widget#attributeDefinitions instance methods.

  • React components as extensions for custom properties groups

    For the purpose of customizing the editing tools available in details views, extensions can be provided. The React component for rendering an extension can now be specified directly instead of registering it and referencing it by its name. This way, props can be passed to the component, for example. See the documentation for details.

  • Improved TypeScript support

    TypeScript now automatically infers the type of the return value of Obj#get as it is aware of the object class used. See Getting Started with TypeScript for details.

  • Fixed bugs

    • When editing text in place, the “Click to edit” placeholder was sometimes visible even though text was present. Now, the editing interface renders the placeholder only if the text widget is empty.
    • The new HTML in-place editor is now available to all editors using, even if the app configuration doesn’t specify adoptUi.
    • Under some circumstances, for example, with a conditional JSX tag before or after Scrivito.ContentTag, editing string attributes in place caused unexpected results or crashes. In-place string editing now works as expected again.
    • Under some circumstances, the initial content and initialization callback of an HTML attribute were not applied and caused a console error instead.

Thank you for using Scrivito!

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