Scrivito JS SDK 1.2.0 Is Available

Major improvements

Live updating, part 2

Recently, we praised live updating (we first called it auto updating) as truly beneficial to collaborative settings such as reviews. And it is, because changes to a page become immediately visible to the participants. However, live updating was functional in preview mode only. This release changes this, meaning that live updating now works in editing mode, too.

Further improvements

Publishing via the top bar

For better accessibility and even more convenience, the top bar (also known as panel) of Scrivito’s in-place editing interface now includes a “Publish” button. In contrast to the “Publish” button in the sidebar, the new top bar button opens the changes dialog for optionally first reviewing the list of altered pages, images, etc. You can then click the (also new) “Publish” button at the bottom of the changes list, or, as usual, navigate to a modified item (by clicking it) or selectively move changes to a different working copy.

First working copy is created automatically

Mainly for making it even easier for first-time Scrivito users to get started, Scrivito now automatically creates a working copy for them when switching to Edit mode while viewing the published content without a working copy being present.

The title of the first working copy reads, for example, “John Smith’s working copy”, i.e., it includes the user’s full name that was given in the signup process.

Routing support

When adding Scrivito to an existing React application, Scrivito’s routing can now be integrated with the routing of the app. For this, the Scrivito.useHistory() helper method has been provided. It allows routing integration with all applications that are built on top of the history library, e.g. React Router, and all other applications that either use the history library directly or through a history-based library.

Updated dependencies

The speakingurl and urijs dependencies have been updated to the latest version.

Faster checking for child pages

A page can only be deleted if it doesn’t have any child pages. Scrivito now determines the presence of child pages much faster, so that editors are informed much earlier if a page cannot be deleted.


Invalid URLs in link attributes no longer lead to unexpected behavior of the editing interface.

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